The Top Secret Fact About Your Learning!
Jan 05, 2017

During the past 12 months we have reached out to over 1700 people and delivered over 1200 hours of face to face learning. Add to that the availability of 100's of hours of online Academy training resources and you could say we've gained considerable insight into the current day challenges employees have with learning and development.
So here it is, (almost) all our wisdom condensed into a single phrase! Here is what you need to know to dramatically increase your personal development over the coming 12 months.
"Nothing happens without a sequence of events."
Ok, so it’s not particularly ground breaking, but it is probably true of everything in life and is definitely true of personal or managerial development.
Many of the people we meet and work with tell us that the main problem (in being able to improve what they do) is related to finding time in the day to dedicate to it. Work pressures nearly always take over, cramming out time to focus on improving.
That’s where our top secret comes into play. Nothing happens without a sequence of events. So here are our three recommended steps to help you reach your true potential:
- Understand the sequence of events required to learn and make improvements in what you do. Write it down, get detailed, create a simple list. What has to happen to enable you to be more effective in absolutely any chosen sphere of life.
- Make sure one of those steps is to add at least one hour a week to your diary when you will do nothing else but work through your sequence of events.
- Treat that calendar appointment very very jealously! There will always be exceptions, but make it a rule that your scheduled personal development time takes priority over everything except true emergencies.
Imagine the difference this can make to you. 47 or so working weeks, 47 hours where you focus on personal development. The difference it will make will be demonstrable, to you, to your organisation and (if you are a manager) to your people.
The 4 week challenge
If management skills are on your list of things to fine tune and develop, why not take us up on our 4 week challenge?
Just four weeks where you get the sequence of events and dedicate an hour a week to working through lessons within the free iManage Academy toolkit.